Cognitive & Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia, Sleep Related Difficulties and Psychological Problems

Welcome to 'Sleep Therapy Scotland'  a private clinic providing specialist assessment and treament for a range of sleeping realted difficulties, such as Insomnia.

  • Do you have difficulty with your sleep - getting to sleep, staying asleep, feeling un-refreshed
  • Is a health condition you have impacting your ability to sleep
  • Is an emotional or psychological problem making it difficult to get the sleep you want
  • Do you experience nightmares, restlessness, or other unpleseant nighttime events
Specialist practice for Insomnia (CBT-I) and Sleep Related Difficulties
I have extensive experience of working with a wide range of sleep related problems and have recieved several professional trainings to support this, including from world experts in the field of Sleep Medicine.
Accredited Psychotherapist + Mental Health Nurse
I have worked in the field of mental health for over a decade and have seen clients with a full range of psychological and psychiatric difficulties. I have worked in a variety of settings including: NHS Scotland, NHS England, Private Practice, Higher Education Institutions
Online and In-person appointments available
Appointment times and days are flexible and can take place in-person, from my clinic in the centre of Glasgow (5-minute walk from  Central Station) or online using video meetings